Sunday, October 23, 2011


So, I suppose that since I deleted my facebook (most people think I deleted them or they ask if I'm alright)  I figured I would start blogging.  A healthy way to keep track of my thoughts and share a little bit about my life since I live in a cave apparently.  Also, yes, I am ok.  I deleted facebook, which is perfectly o.k. contrary to people's thoughts that I'm depressed and resorted to such actions haha.

I was thinking about a fun thing to blog, and one might think hey, your sister blogged about you, why not do one about her?  No, she waited a while to blog about her amazing, awesome, fun, cool brother so she will have to wait for that special day of blog.  :)    Love you pedita.  I'll inform you guys on my very relaxing weekend.  It entailed of catching up on shows I've missed due to mountains of tests and clinical hours and hanging out with some friends on my porch last night.  The highlight of the week is definitely me making s'mores cookies. (graham cracker and chocolate chip cookies with marshmallow melted in between two of them)   So this is my introduction and I will be back soon to tell of the wonderful athletic training student life!    

Besos y Abrazos haha